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What if your life without kids could be deeply fulfilling?

Sound impossible? Maybe it’s because deep down you believe that being a mom is the only way to experience those big emotions, like unconditional love. Or maybe it’s because despite how much you love your work, you're pretty sure that raising children is the most rewarding job a woman can have.

I get it. I was there too.

I’m Laurie Sanci. I’m an Adler trained coach and, up until a few years ago, I believed some of those things too. In my early 40's I had to face the fact that I’d never be a mom. I worried that I’d missed out on the most meaningful experience a woman can have. I thought I'd be saddled with regret forever and have to settle for a lesser life.

But I was wrong.

Once I worked my way out of the grief, I gained a new perspective and learned to see my life without kids as a gift. On the way, I banished the no-baby blues and crafted a life that I love. You can too.

I love helping women who didn't have children find fulfillment in a way they didn't think was possible.

As a coach, I help women without kids to move beyond the grief. Together we explore the ideas and beliefs about motherhood that block so many of us from seeing other ways to find purpose and meaning in our lives. I'll help you gain new insights that will make it possible to craft a new dream. My vision is that one day, we live in a world where having kids is seen as one path, out of many equally valid options, to living a deeply fulfilling life.

Let me help you find the path to fulfillment that is uniquely yours.

Work with me ➝